- Telecommunicator Orientation Course and Exam was developed to provide applicants and new hires with basic knowledge of a career in the emergency telecommunications field.
- The course, used as a screening tool for applicants, will provide you with the basic overview of the job demands and assessment for some of the basic skills used on the job. The assessment portion of this course does not require prior job knowledge.
- AS a new hire for an agency, this course will provide you with a full orientation of some questions you may have about what to expect when working in the emergency call taking/dispatching field. The course is designed to provide general guidance and overview and is not specific for each agency. Policy, Procedures, and Protocols for example, will be reviewed by the agency you are hired by.
- A passing final examination score is set by the agency. Each section of the course is individually scored and you may be required to meet minimum requirements per section.
- This course does not guarantee that you will be offered employment with an agency, regardless of your final score.